Thursday, February 20, 2020

Yes or no, Medieval Gothic churches were a complete break with Greek Essay

Yes or no, Medieval Gothic churches were a complete break with Greek and Roman design What fundamental ideas in Christianity affected how these buildings were designed - Essay Example Settlers later constructed larger houses with multiple rooms separated by columns. The architectural characteristics that are most directly related with the Greeks, columns and stairs, began developing in this era (Scott 19). Three orders developed distinctive patterns for the columns on their temples, with the Corinthian column style having the most elaborate and decorative columns, hence the rarest. The Doric style used by the Spartans was the simplest. Ionic columns were slender compared to the Doric and twice the height. The Romans, like the Greeks, used Doric, Corinthian and Ionic column styles. However, the Romans discovered the structural and artistic worth of arches and domes. They used arches because they could sustain enormous weights, enabling them to construct larger and more decorative structures (Bony 33). The Gothic cathedrals were representations of the universe in miniature scale. Each architectural concept, including the loftiness and enormous dimensions of the structure, were meant to put across theological significance; the great glory of God just as he was viewed by the Christians. The geometrical and mathematical natures of the buildings were influenced by the Christians’ view of an orderly universe, in which can be perceived an underlying logic and rationality (Scott 39). The murals, statues, stained glass and sculptural decoration integrate the spirit of creation in portrayals of the Zodiac, Labors of the Months, Lives of the Saints and referring to eternity in the Last Judgment and Coronation of the Virgin (Bony 12). Many churches had rich, decorative patterns usually depicting biblical stories, emphasizing visual links between Old Testament prophecies and the New Testament. The front elevation of a large church or cathedral, frequently referred to as the West Front, is designed to impact upon an approaching worshipper a powerful impression of the might of

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Persuasion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Persuasion - Essay Example y means a change in how you think about something, but also how you behave† (Principles of Persuasion, 2009) The persuader must be a role model and should be able to show the practical ways persuasion rather than delivering lectures about it. Persuasion has many dimensions and characteristics. Self persuasion and persuasion of others are two different aspects of persuasion. The techniques used to persuade others may not be successful for self persuasion. â€Å"An issue usually has two sides. To put it another way: Usually theres another side to any story. Recognizing this principle will bring some modesty to the persuaders attitude. He will realize that there are more gray areas in the world than purely white or black† (Principles of Persuasion, 2009). Usually, while I was studying, I have not thought much about the other sides of my studies. In other words, I never approached my studies in a critical manner. Whatever the written facts about a particular topic have been learned in a straight forwards manner. But after realising the persuasion principle mentioned above, I have changed my entire attitudes towards my studies and course works. I have realized that normally the knowledge sources provide only one side (White) of the facts and in order to complete our knowledge we need to find out the other side (Black) of the fact and also the one in between these two sides of the facts (Gray). For example, we all know that terrori sm is a serious issue, current world is facing. Most of the articles and the news papers will give us volumes of literatures about the darker sides of terrorism. But only limited people explore the brighter sides of terrorism. America is currently using the war against terrorism for executing their secret mission in Afghanistan and Iraq. Many people believe that the current war against terrorism is aimed at exploiting the oil, natural resources and fresh water resources of these countries. The gray side of terrorism is the reasons behind