Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Identify Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Identify Law - Research Paper Example Of great importance in this study are the states of Washington and New York. The Cellphone and Texting Law is not applicable in the following states; Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and South Dakota. Of great significance in this study will the states of Hawaii and Nevada. The Cellphone and Texting Law is found in the states of Washington and New York; the law is not found in the states of Hawaii and Nevada (Highway Safety Research & Communications, 2011). The state of Washington has two driving laws that are associated with the use of cell phone; these laws began in 2008. The first law EHB 1214 took effect on the same year 2008 and the law has banned text messaging and it has been made a traffic infraction. The ordinance is not on the hands-free but a text messaging total ban. The law has some exceptions and in particular during the emergency situations (, 2011). The second law in regard to the Washington State driving law went into effect in 2008; the law (ESSB 5037) is on the hands free law. The hands free cell phone law forbids the utilization of a wireless device like a cell phone on the ear while driving. The law allows an individual to use the cellphone if the communication is made through a hands free device like a wired headset or a Bluetooth headset (, 2011). The hands free driving law in New York was approved in the year 2001. Ever since the law was passed the New York Police department passed almost 300,000 within the first three years, mostly for those who were violating the first hands free driving law. The law which was effective from November 1st, 2009 prohibited people from texting while driving in the New York (, 2011). The law bans the drivers from using moveable electronic devices (they include blackberries, laptops and cell phones) and any other types of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Flood Coping Mechanisms

Flood Coping Mechanisms Adaptive Strategies of household in terms of flood coping mechanism. Introduction Background of the problem International and national literature related to the problem to be studied Floods are defined as extremely high flows of river, whereby water inundates flood plains or terrains outside the water-confined major river channels. Flood hazard is measured by probability occurrence of their damaging values, conceived generally as flood risk, or by their impact on society, conceives usually as the loss of lives and material damage to society (Rossi et al., 1994). Flood is natural events that can occur at any time and often able to create loss and damage that can be suffered by property, population and environment. Flood event cannot be prevented, but it can only be controlled and reduced the impact. Flood came relatively quickly, so we must have the effective strategies in order to reduce the impact from flood event. Flood is the most damaging event in Indonesia. Of total disaster in Indonesia, 57.43% is floods. Those events cause 587,190 affected people and 68 casualties (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNBP/National Coordinating Board for the Management of Disaster), 2008). Geographically, Sampang is located in Madura Island and included as plain area because it has elevation almost the same as sea level. Due to this physical condition, Sampang, as a waterfront city, has been suffering with flooding almost every year. Combination between high intensity of rainfall and high tide of sea, improved water discharge of Kamoning River and then inundated several areas in Sampang. The triggering factor is small holding capacity of Kamoning River. The strategies from local community to cope the flood are mostly developed by the initiative of affected community in inundated area. For instance, they have added the floor height or the number of floor in order to avoid the water flow and save their belongings. The coping activities that have been done by local community revealed due to the disability of local community to move in safer area. Besides, those coping strategies also have uniqueness related to the physical condition of this area. It means that the strategies can be explored through several perspectives, e.g. the magnitude of flood, income, education, etc. By elaborating the existing adaptive strategies in Sampang Regency, it is expected that the general and specific description of flood coping strategies can be obtained as an effort to establish the recommendation in case of local government policy in facing with a given flood. 1.2. Statement of Problem Flood becomes a major issue for the local government of Sampang Regency because it is one of the most frequent and most disastrous natural events. Tremendous losses and damages as results of severe flood have been occurred. Historically, Sampang City already has been stricken severe flood in three times which were in 1921, 1991 and 2002. The most flood disaster in Sampang was in 2002, where a third area of Sampang was affected and caused more than 14 casualties, many damaged houses and public infrastructures, and many evacuated people. The recent of flood occurrence in Sampang were in 2008 and 2009, where the flood event has a little damaged. The flood occurrences in this regency demanded the awareness both from local community and local government for conducting disaster reduction actions. Those actions were aimed to minimize the impact of flood. One of those actions is flood investigation in terms of flood characteristics and coping strategies. The action is intended to gather information related to the characteristic of flood, how the affected community survive with flood, and the coping strategies that have been done by the local government. The collected information about flood and flood coping strategies will be useful as an important input to arrange capacity improvement in disaster reduction process. On the other words, local community and local government will be involved in establishing the more appropriate flood coping strategies, particularly by examining flood characteristics and existing flood coping mechanism. Moreover, it can be decided whether the existing flood coping strategies are adequate or not. There are many parts of Sampang Regency which are often stricken by flood every year, but the study about flood has not been done yet. Besides, more detail of local community’s strategies in overcoming the flood is not established. Local government commonly only calculated the losses and damages without investigating the flood characteristics and coping strategies done by local community. Find the thesis with Sampang as study area. Research Objective General objective of this research is to identify the adaptive strategies of household to cope the flood event and local government actions in supporting the strategies. The general objective is then elaborated into four specific objectives, as follow: To identify the characteristics of the flood. To explore the adaptive strategies of household to cope the flood. To recognize influencing factors of selected adaptive strategies. To identify the government strategies in terms of reducing the flood impacts. Research Questions The main question of this research is what are the adaptive strategies of households to cope the flood event and how can local government support the adaptive strategies in reducing the impact of flood Sub questions are: What are the characteristics of the flood event? What are the adaptive strategies of household to cope the flood? What are the factors that influence the selecting adaptive strategies? What have done by local government to cope the flood in term of reducing the impact of the flood event? Research Method * Make the adaptations necessary to adjust the text according to your own situation: Type of Research The type of research is an explanatory research which seeks to identify the adaptive strategies of household to cope the flood event and local government actions in supporting the strategies of household. This research will use qualitative and quantitative method. 2.2. Data Collection Literature study Secondary data will be collected mainly from government institutions, various data will be collected is listed on the following table: Table Secondary Data No Data Type Source 1 Annual report of JFP Perum year 2008 JFP, Perum of JFP 2 Documentation of tidal flood (picture and report) JFP, NJM 3 Fisheries statistic year 2008 JFP, BPS, Perum of JFP, NJFA 4 Spatial Plan NJM 5 Flood Preventing Program JFP, NJM Flood Preventing Program JFP, NJM Secondary data such as (reports, articles, etc) will be collected through a literature study from (governmental agencies, private, other). The sources of secondary data are shown in the following table X; 2.2.2. Fieldwork Primary data will be collected through a fieldwork for (duration, time of the data collection and place (s)). The research instruments will be a combination of an (in-depth interview, survey with questionnaires, others). The choice of key respondents (government officials/ experts, others) for interviews (with semi-closed interviews, closed interviews, etc) is based on a (purposive or other way of sampling). Further, the list of respondents to be interviewed is shown in the table X1; The research population at which the survey about (perception or other issue) using (questionnaires and/or other instrument) will be applied to (citizens, NGOs, etc..) The sampling technique for selecting respondents from citizens is a (purposive, random, or other) sampling. Considerin g that time and finance are the main limitations of the research, the expected number of respondents is X . The dissemination of questionnaires will be done by (visiting offices, schools/campuses and association centers of respondents, by using internet or other means). The list of respondents is presented in the following table X2; 2.3. Data Analysis How your collected data will be analyzed, techniques to be used for the analysis (statistic methods: means, percentages, frequency distribution, etc)) and for the display and organization of the collected data (tables, matrix, graphic (type)). Unit of Analysis, Variables and Indicators Unit of analysis of this research is the †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Variables and indicators are summarized in the following table X3; 2.6. Research Design In order to have a clear guidance about how to do the research, it is necessary to make a research design. The research design consists of some stages as is shown in the following figure X The thesis report will be structured into X chapters. Those six chapters are as follows; Chapter 1 includes the background of the problem, problem statement, justification of study, research objectives, research questions and hypotheses. Chapter 2 deals with literature review/conceptual framework used in the research. Chapter 3 describes the general condition of the research area. Chapter 4 explains the research method. Chapter 5 discusses the results/findings of the research. Chapter 6 is concerned with conclusions and recommendations Time Framework Table X; Important dates and deadlines Budget Table X; Budget of research Reference List Appendix 1; Copy of the Interview Questions to be used in the field visit Appendix 2; Copy (s) of the Questionnaire(s) to be used in the field visit. Appendix 3; Map of the research area. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD Research method used deals with the goals and objectives achieved in this study. It consists of pre field, data collection method and data analysis method. Preparation This stage has main purpose to prepare some certain materials which will be used in the field data collection. There are three main activities, which are literature review, design survey, and questioner. The literature review is a process to obtain research background justification and to formulate research questions. Then, it is harnessed as a guide in the research process. The literature review itself yields a theoretical background that provides framework analysis of the research. It also organizes such kind of research which should be accomplished in order to achieve the research objective. Data Collection The data needed for the research analysis are primary and secondary data. Primary data collection interview both household and contact person in particular community (government official, community leader, NGO, etc). Questioner distribution will be held by considering the number of samples taken. In this case, the number of samples is obtained by using the following equation (Public Work Department): n = [image] Where : n = The number of samples N = The number of population (3 Sub district 29337) d = The level of significancy for about 10% (it represents all population) Regarding to the equation, the number of samples used is 100 samples (see the following calculation): = 99,66 = 100 On the other side, the secondary data are gathered from literature review and previous research reports. Secondary data are the available statistical data compiled from those institutions. The result of this fieldwork is a database containing all information related with people perception on flooding, physical aspects (structural types of buildings and building contents) and socio-economic aspects (age, gender, occupation, income, educational level, length of stay and housing status) and people’s coping mechanism due to flood. Data Analysis Method The method of analysis is a descriptive analysis that explores and investigates the data. Questionnaires were double checked for differences and corrected, and individual and housing records linked using SPSS software. The main variables collected from the households interviews such as : height of water level during flood, and the duration, flood history, coping mechanism, and the socio –economic were analysed. From the analysis, it is expected to find a new integrated flood management that is possible to apply in overcoming flood hazard in Sampang Regency. The output from this analysis process will be utilized as a guide to develop a new flood management system. Research Question Variables Indicators Data Source Interview Question Numbers What are the characteristics of the flood event? Characteristic of flood History of Flood Cause the Flood Flood Depth Flood Duration Interview (using questionnaires) with households, and observation The Impact of Flood Physical Damage Infrastructure House/Building Appliance Furniture Outside properties Economic Income Occupation Disruption in business Social Injuries sustain Illness suffered Loss of life Interview (using questionnaires) with households, and observation What are the adaptive strategies of household to cope the flood? Economic Reconstruction of house with the reinforced material Preparing place for storage at the higher place Storing basic food items such as : rice and sugar Building dikes in front of house using sand bags Repairing minor damage of the appliance Repairing important damage to the house Fixing things Continue working Purchasing cheap food Repairing minor damage of the appliance Repairing important damage to the house Saving money Interview (using questionnaires) with households. Technological/structural Construction of house with the reinforced material Closing the door and windows properly to avoid water Do nothing Securing house entrance to avoid debris Cleaning the house by draining Repairing minor damage of the appliance Repairing important damage to the house Fixing things Cleaning the canal surroundings the house Interview (using questionnaires) with households. Social Cleaning the house and surroundings Continue patrolling the neighborhood Helping other’s community member in doing work Guarding the house to ensure safety belongings Searching relief materials Evacuating the family, especially children and elderly to the safer place, Preparing temporary place at friend’s or relative’s place Preparing place for storage at the higher place Cleaning the canal surroundings the house Interview (using questionnaires) with households. What are the factors that influence the selecting adaptive strategies? Physical Infrastructure Geographic Location Interview (using questionnaires) with households. Economics Status of Property Income Occupation Interview (using questionnaires) with households. Social Household’s size Household’s structure Interview (using questionnaires) with households. What have done by local government to cope the flood in term of reducing the impact of the flood event? Structural Build dykes, Build dam, Build reservoir, Improve infiltration of rainfall into the ground. Interview with local institutions which have duties related to disaster coping mechanism Non structural An early warning system Regulation Interview with local institutions which have duties related to disaster coping mechanism The sample was chosen from households affected by coastal erosion/flooding and the ones who knew the details of adaptation strategies. A sample of 40 households was selected randomly.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Analysis of the Spectrum of Depression Essays -- Biology Essays Resear

Analysis of the Spectrum of Depression Depression has many degrees of severity from a passing feeling to a serious illness, which destroys lives and relationships. Major depressive disorder is the most severe form of depression. It is extreme and persistent, rendering the patient inconsolable and helpless (1). Depressed patients often cannot continue working and have difficulty dealing with family and friends. Other symptoms of major depression are deep despair, misery, irritability, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, change in eating and sleeping habits, fatigue and inability to concentrate. Other mental illnesses, such as anxiety and alcoholism are also associated with major depression (2). While serious depressive episodes are important to our understanding of mental health, chronic depression is terribly widespread and often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Dysthymia is a disorder which has similar, but milder and much longer lasting, symptoms to depression (3). By understanding the characteristics of dysthymia, health p rofessionals can identify a chronic mental illness before it manifests into more serious psychological problems, such as severe depression. Dysthymia is also an interesting disorder from the neurobiological perspective because it is often difficult to discern from other personality disorders, such as a depressed or gloomy personality. This paper explores depression and dysthymia, their symptoms and therapies. In addition, personalities which are depressed will be analyzed and compared to depression and dysthymia. Do all three afflictions stem from the same genetic or environmental causes, and mechanistic origins? Are they all responsive to the same treatment? This comparison will address the difficulty in dis... ...l and emotional signals can be influenced at several different levels in the brain, by a myriad of chemicals. The sole cause of depression seems to be the simultaneous breakdown of neurochemical pathways across the nervous systems. It is true that treating depression in all of its forms is much easier today with the advent of new antidepressants, but these drugs are correcting a neurochemical imbalance which is not specific to depression. There may exist and someday be discovered a particular mood regulation flaw which is responsible for depression, but given the research presented today, I would say there is not. Sources Cited: 1) Elliott, Laura. "Help for Your Head, " Washingtonian, April 1998, p.76 2) 3) 4) Analysis of the Spectrum of Depression Essays -- Biology Essays Resear Analysis of the Spectrum of Depression Depression has many degrees of severity from a passing feeling to a serious illness, which destroys lives and relationships. Major depressive disorder is the most severe form of depression. It is extreme and persistent, rendering the patient inconsolable and helpless (1). Depressed patients often cannot continue working and have difficulty dealing with family and friends. Other symptoms of major depression are deep despair, misery, irritability, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, change in eating and sleeping habits, fatigue and inability to concentrate. Other mental illnesses, such as anxiety and alcoholism are also associated with major depression (2). While serious depressive episodes are important to our understanding of mental health, chronic depression is terribly widespread and often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Dysthymia is a disorder which has similar, but milder and much longer lasting, symptoms to depression (3). By understanding the characteristics of dysthymia, health p rofessionals can identify a chronic mental illness before it manifests into more serious psychological problems, such as severe depression. Dysthymia is also an interesting disorder from the neurobiological perspective because it is often difficult to discern from other personality disorders, such as a depressed or gloomy personality. This paper explores depression and dysthymia, their symptoms and therapies. In addition, personalities which are depressed will be analyzed and compared to depression and dysthymia. Do all three afflictions stem from the same genetic or environmental causes, and mechanistic origins? Are they all responsive to the same treatment? This comparison will address the difficulty in dis... ...l and emotional signals can be influenced at several different levels in the brain, by a myriad of chemicals. The sole cause of depression seems to be the simultaneous breakdown of neurochemical pathways across the nervous systems. It is true that treating depression in all of its forms is much easier today with the advent of new antidepressants, but these drugs are correcting a neurochemical imbalance which is not specific to depression. There may exist and someday be discovered a particular mood regulation flaw which is responsible for depression, but given the research presented today, I would say there is not. Sources Cited: 1) Elliott, Laura. "Help for Your Head, " Washingtonian, April 1998, p.76 2) 3) 4)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

An Undesirable Quality

Respect is perhaps one of the initial virtues taught to any individual. As a person living in a community, the aide of respect is a pre-requisite to be able to subsist in the light of socialism and harmoniously interact with other people. This form of virtue cannot be comprehended nor understand through readings and factual information alone—it needs to be done, experienced and be consistently noted in any person’s daily handbook of attitude so as to evaluate whether a person’s act is flowing on the stream of respect or on the unethical state of the opposite.In the case of the academic perspective, student discipline and classroom management have always been a concern for teachers, administrators, and teacher educators. Control has become a greater problem in the last half century, for troubling historical and sociological reasons that we do not attempt to explore here. Yet at the same time the problem has grown, and the public has become increasingly agitated, t he educational dialogue about discipline and management has attenuated.This is why the drive for respect must be taken in full force in any entity or in any group—this saves lives even, not only for this immediate purpose, but for the future generation as well (Lightfoot, 2000). Respect on the social context Social psychology stresses that respect is the key to etiquette across all of the class and ethnic divisions as well as with the basis of gender. Apparently, to be able to gain respect from others, one must have dignity—a social equivalent of the term, â€Å"rights†Ã¢â‚¬â€hence the receiving and granting leads to what is preferably called as â€Å"friendship† or interpersonal relationship.This kind of â€Å"taking and receiving† of respect is then characterized to be a vital factor in achieving a higher level of understanding with each other, and on the brighter side of the explanation, a form of â€Å"contentment† by which both of the individuals would later state as a â€Å"form of acceptance. † Further, respect does not come from facts or ideas or the exchange of such, it is how the person actually interacts with another in a manner wherein the other person does not pay high regard on what, who, or whatsoever it is the one has.In most cases, the virtue of respect helps a stranger identify a person’s personality. As philosophers state it, the idea of being accepted is considerably one of the highest achievements a person may have. It then proves the idea that individuals have the innate need of being â€Å"respected† in who he or she is, what he or she does, and of course, on what the other person preferably wants one to treat him or her. Mutual respect Like trust, many people say that respect has to be earned, but they never quite tell you what actions a person is required to take in order to earn this respect.It's probably also true that in most people's thinking, respect is not very disti nct from agreeing with or liking. For example, when people say, â€Å"I respect her opinion,† what are they really saying—that they agree with it, that they like it? And what do people mean when they say, â€Å"I respect him†? The essence of respect is accepting a person for what they are and what they present themselves to be. Respect exists in a range from mild acceptance to total admiration. On the acceptance end of the spectrum, we decide that the values and the behavior of someone is within the wide range of what we find to be tolerable.We may not fully understand the person or her motivation, but we've found a way to accommodate her that minimizes conflict. On the admiration side, we fully endorse the values and behavior of the person and hold them up as a model for ourselves and others. When I hear people say that they do not respect anyone, my guess is that they are saying that there is no one that they admire in all aspects of life. Very few people hold up to this high standard for respect, especially in these days when the private lives of public figures are put under the close scrutiny of the media.In coaching people, it's not necessary that you maintain this high-end standard of respect. What is required is that we respect clients in the domain of activity in which we will be coaching them, and within the day-to-day relationship that we personally have with them. Understanding the need of â€Å"respect† There are many people who do not understand the exact and precise definition of respect. It may be taken to assumption that this is because they lack the immense establishment of such or either they are not yet mature enough to understand how important it is to respect.In most cases, respect is only sought in one’s life if the person experiences the opposite of it—being disrespected. Several cases have been noted with regard to â€Å"fights† or â€Å"misunderstandings† because one person has hu rt another person’s feelings. In critical analysis of similar situations, the misunderstanding starts by either the person, making an act which is undesirable or not giving importance to what is called â€Å"laws† or rules. By not following these rules, the person is then marked with the concept that he or she is not giving importance to what is â€Å"righteous† or â€Å"deferential† in the majority.The level of respect comes in various forms, normally, a person who is selfish and is not properly oriented with the â€Å"flow† of respect often times commit the mistake—all forms of culture, race and religion is demanding for it. Respect has always been an issue. Moreover, it has been in written in the face of literature and of history, it is odd to realize that there are still those who is not enlightened by its importance that they continue to commit the fury of â€Å"disrespect. † The exact opposite of respect Our parents are the most important teachers in one’s life.Parents teach their offspring the desirable quality that their children must possess and correct them for any form of undesirable quality which may eventually come along the life of the child. Disrespect is not taught in schools, nor at home, is happens when a person is not able to understand its importance. Tracing back history there commenced numerous civil wars on the issue of â€Å"disrespect†Ã¢â‚¬â€black Americans were treated â€Å"with no respect† by making them slaves—and so they fought for their freedom. That certain point of glitch which has been found between both parties has caused lives.As a matter of fact, there were numerous works in literature by famous authors who presented the agony of those who were â€Å"disrespected† so to speak that it fired up their emotions, making them have the cry for respect on the battlefield. Furthermore, as portrayed on movies, when a child talks back to the parent, t hat is a form of disrespect. It only denotes that idea that the child does not give importance on what his or her parent is trying to say. In cultural scenario, once somebody steps on a religious group’s sacred entity, it is punished—also termed to be disrespect on their supernatural being.Ecuadorians are known for being particular in the degree of ‘respect’, the Chinese community is also famous for this certain point of characteristic that tourists must have. One significant example of the practice of respect would be the isolated vicinity of North Korea, wherein each citizen is obliged to pay respect over their hailed leader that whosoever shall cross the borderline of this â€Å"respect† shall be hated by all of their nationality. Aside from the mentioned instances, this form of undesirable quality often happens in the basis of status quo or social hierarchy.In the social aspect of the country, there is a demarcation line between the elites, the average, and the oppressed—whether it is taken on the account of financial, social, mental or religious subject. Moreover, the most important basis of this argument all boils down to the focal and fundamental passage and fact in humankind, the 10 Commandments of the Holy Bible (Exodus 20: 1-17). The Ten Commandments or the basic laws deliberately and literally stress the fact that respect is a must. It has been literally emphasized that individuals must respect—all these commandments show the need of respect.There are several forms of disrespecting others—stealing another person’s property is a from of disrespect, by not adhering to what is â€Å"legal† is disrespecting the law, to commit others’ rights as one’s own is disrespecting one’s own worth, not to remember important and necessary dates is disrespecting them as to not giving them importance—hence, some may not be able to notice the grave effect of one’s ac tions, one may be able to realize these things if he or she experiences the pain of being reprimanded or not respected, at that. How to avoid being disrespectfulSometimes, we oversee the importance of respect in our lives. We disregard others’ feelings that we are unaware that we are stepping on them. For a person to be able to avoid committing ‘disrespect’ or disrespecting others, one must keep in mind the importance of it. Perhaps by facing one’s shoe on one’s foot, by then, a person may realize if he or she is about to say or do something which is disrespectful. Oftentimes, the act of being disrespectful is triggered because of swank personality or arrogance that one is not able to see the â€Å"mistake† hitting the ground.To expunge away from committing such, one must fall in the streamline of the â€Å"basic laws† or to glue their rationality in the vortex of tradition and linger on the virtues taught by our parents—to resp ect other people especially the elders. These merits are taught in almost any form of organization or in any subject. Reason enough to be remembered and inculcated in any person’s being. Being able to get knowledgeable of others’ culture, or others’ belief shall also serve of good help.Primarily, trying to understand the differences of every individual and trying to decipher the meaning behind this diversity that unfolds any human being shall open the doors of respect. As a matter of fact, greetings and other respectful words are taught to individuals so as to use them in dealing with others. Respect for human rights that can be understood as a moral imperative from the perspective of the ethic of justice. From a feminist orientation, the ethic of care in schools is a moral necessity. An ethic of care fleshes out the skeleton of justice, adding relationship, motivation, and meaning to the educational mission.The ethic of justice forms the crucible for practices of care. Precisely, both the ethic of justice and an ethic of care need to be differentiated and articulated in order to imagine the valuable insights each has to offer to teachers. The ethic of justice is externally visible in practices and behavior while the ethic of care is fundamentally inside the one-who-cares and the one-cared-for. This â€Å"insideness† of care is not initially visible to an observer, but remains a highly potent aspect of the relationship.The ethic of care does eventually become observable in the growth of belonging, motivation, and empathy in learners. Conclusions and further remarks It is indeed true that for a person to understand respect in the most concise definition of the word, one must be able to understand the exact opposite of it. It may have compromised my self-admitted arrogance and desolate form of understanding on how to care to other people, but indulging my own self on how to keep my mouth closed, or not to follow what I want is a benef icial thing to do in order to achieve respect from others.If I want to be respected by other people, then I must give them the exact point of respect that they want. Not only on the sole basis of my rationality and understanding on the term, but on comprehending their understanding of it as well. There may be no exact and similar definition on ‘respect’ but there is a universal one on ‘disrespect’—stepping on other people’s rights would be the most fitting term. To be able to prudently understand â€Å"disrespect,† one may base the fact on the literal basis of the term, in any dictionary that may possibly define such; it shapes up to exponentially negative thoughts:â€Å".. boldness, coarseness, contempt, discourtesy, dishonor, flippancy, hardihood, impertinence, impiety, impoliteness, impudence, incivility, insolence, irreverence, sacrilege† To have these characteristics is driving away other people from the circle of â€Å"mut ual understanding. † As I have researched on the different synthesis of â€Å"disrespect† and the effects that I may have, I am fortunate enough to be given the chance to correct this undesirable quality which is in no doubt unadvisable.Nobody would want to befriend a disrespectful person, worst, if not corrected in the soonest time possible, then the consequences may not be paid much attention and rigor repair. I have learned that it is important to follow rules and to follow what our parents and our teachers tamed us to be. Not to take the course of life like a game or that of â€Å"trial and error† scenario. Being a person living in a community, interaction with other people is imperative—not unless a person lives in an island with nobody to interact and respect, then the wrath of superciliousness and arrogance may keep one on his or her leash. Reference Lightfoot, S. L.-. (2000). Respect: An Exploration (1st ed.). New York, NY: Perseus Publishing.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Anita and Meena in Anita and Me and Piggy and Ralph in Lord of the Flies Essay

In both Anita and Me and Lord of the Flies, the characters have very much the same type of friendship. The two people in the friendship are not on the same level when they are together. For example, in Anita and Me, Meena is never seen as more superior to Anita and Piggy is never seen as superior to Ralph. Despite this fact, the reader can obviously tell that both Meena and Piggy are more intellectually superior to Anita and Ralph. These two friendships in both books undergo changes as incidents occur such as the forming of Jack’s tribe in Lord of the Flies and when Anita’s other friends abandon her. These changes really force both Anita and Ralph, the more superior of the two friendships to rely heavily on the inferior of the friendships, Piggy and Meena for emotional support. If these parts of the two books were looked at in detail, the reader would see that both Ralph and Anita usually feel as if they cannot continue and Meena and Piggy are usually the people who help them through their difficult times and provide support. At the beginning of Anita and Me, Anita is portrayed as quite an attractive young girl and one with the power to have control over people, ‘Anita was the undisputed ‘cock’ of our yard†¦her foghorn voice, foul mouth †¦ indicated she was carrying enough testosterone around to earn the title†¦she had the face of a pissed-off cherub, huge green eyes, blonde hair and a curling mouth†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Here we can see that Anita is described as the ‘undisputed ‘cock’ of our yard’. This illustrates how she is a very powerful girl. The fact that features such as blonde hair, large green eyes and a face of a cherub are resembled in her suggest that she is quite an angelic, good and polite young girl. This, however, is contradicted by her ‘foghorn voice’ and ‘foul mouth’. This shows us how she is not really what she seems and that even though she may look tough and powerful, she really is quite a lonely, sad girl. If we compare Anita’s appearance to Meena’s, we see a large difference: ‘†¦the winter coat, the scabbed knees, my stubborn nine-year old face†¦ not because I was too young or badly dressed, it was something else, something about me so offputting, so unimaginable†¦.’ Meena describes herself as very unattractive. When compared to Anita, we can see that it is the truth. Anita’s description gives her maturity and superiority while Meena’s make her seem as if she is a little ‘nine-year old’ girl who does not possess the same maturity and superiority as Anita. It is very much the same as Lord of the Flies with Piggy and Ralph’s friendship. At the beginning, our first impression gained of Ralph is of an athletic and attractive young boy: ‘He was old enough, twelve years and a few months, to have lost the prominent tummy of childhood†¦you could see now that he might make a boxer, as far as width and heaviness of shoulders went, buy there was a mildness about his mouth and eyes that proclaimed no devil’ Here Ralph is described in an attractive way and he, like Anita, can be described in two different ways: firstly as a ‘boxer’ which portrays Ralph as a strong, powerful man while the ‘mildness about his mouth and eyes’ shows that he is still an innocent pleasant young boy. In the same way Anita is friends with Meena in Anita and Me, Ralph is friends with Piggy. Piggy is very similar to Meena. Both Piggy and Meena are not as attractive as Ralph and Anita. In this way, they are seen as insuperior to them: ‘The naked crooks of his knees were plump, caught and scratched by thorns’ Here Piggy’s description does not portray him as either very attractive or very interesting. The fact that his knees are scratched by thorns makes Piggy seem quite young as you normally imagine young children to have scratched knees. Ralph is described as almost a man. This is another way in which Piggy is depicted as inferior to Ralph. Another way in which Ralph and Anita are described as greater than Piggy and Meena are when they meet. When Anita talks to Meena for the first time, she assumes that she is more superior to Meena. ‘†¦then snatched the bag off me and began walking away as she ate’ When Anita meets Meena, she snatches a bag of sweets from her and starts to walk away. She expects Meena to follow and what I find surprising is that Meena seems to think that this is fine and she feels happy to follow her a few paces behind. Meena feels privileged to be in Anita’s company. Anita realises this and uses it to her advantage. Anita has got used to realising that she is normally the leader of a group and that she has the ability to exert a lot of power. Ralph also assumes that he is superior when he meets Piggy. When Piggy asks what Ralph’s name is, Ralph does not return the gesture: ‘The fat boy waited to be asked his name in turn buy this proffer of acquaintance was not made’ Here Ralph is portrayed as quite arrogant. We can see that Ralph obviously feels in some way superior to this fat boy and therefore he feels that he is not the same level as him. Throughout the book, Ralph has a certain amount of superiority over Piggy and uses it often. When Jack, Simon and Ralph explore the island for the first time and Piggy asks to come, Ralph embaraces him by refusing to let him come. The same is done in Anita and Me, as Anita is throughout the book more superior to Meena. Both Meena and Piggy do not belong to the groups that are formed in the books. Piggy is far too intellectual and mature for the games played and he is the odd one out of the group, as is Simon. Meena too does not fit in to Anita’s group. She describes herself as ‘too young for Anita’s consideration and too old for the children’. Even when she does join Anita’s group, she sometimes feels out of place. Towards the end of both books, both Anita and Ralph find that they need support when their close friends leave them. In Anita and Me, Anita experiences this when her mother leaves: ‘†¦she always seemed older than her peers. But when I spied her sitting alone on the park swings, from a distance, her crumpled face and hunched shoulders turned her momentarily into a little old lady. When Anita’s mother and the poet leave her, Anita feels depressed and lonely. Meena, although she is angry with her, feels sorry for Anita and tries to comfort and support her. This shows how Meena, even though she is portrayed as insuperior to Anita, is the more stable of the two girls. Meena has two loving parent who look after her well and a baby brother while Anita lives with her unreliable mother who is hardly there for her and a father who sees her very rarely. Ralph also finds himself in this situation when the boys divide into two groups and Ralph is left only with Simon and Piggy: ‘Piggy’ ‘Uh?’ ‘What are we going to do?’ Piggy looked at the conch. ‘You could-‘ ‘Call an assembly?’ Ralph laughed sharply as he said the word and Piggy frowned. Here we can see the difference in Ralph’s way of talking to Piggy. We can see that Ralph has no idea of what to do now that Jack has made his own tribe. Ralph now finds that he is relying on Piggy to help and support him through his time of need. Ralph also uses the word ‘we’ instead of ‘I’. This shows how Ralph feels that both him and Piggy are now in their own tribe. It also shows how Ralph is letting Piggy be on the same level as him by using ‘we’. Another way in, which the friendship of Anita and Meena and the friendship between Ralph and Piggy are similar, is the ending of the friendship. At the end of the book, Meena realises that Anita is not the person she should be a best friend with: ‘I don’t give a toss what your sister [Anita] does, Tracey. Yow can tell her that from me.’ At this point, Meena has realised that Anita has not treated her as well as she should have been treated. Meena learns this from making friends with two other people who treat her well and are true friends. When Meena returns from hospital, she doesn’t socialise much and is happy doing things alone. Anita, jealous of her happiness and the love she receives from her parents, sends threatening notes to her in the hope of scaring Meena. At this point we can really see that Meena is superior to Anita as Anita tries to make a desperate attempt at trying to feel more superior and secure by threatening her. The same happens in Lord of the Flies. After Piggy has died, Ralph realises what a great friend Piggy really was to him and how much he needs him when Jack’s tribe turn against him: ‘And in the middle of them, with filthy body, unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy. Here we can see that Ralph’s image of a strong, powerful young man is lost and we see him as a young naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve boy in contrast to Piggy who is described as ‘wise’. Before, Piggy was portrayed as a fat, asthmatic boy who was inferior to Ralph but now we see that Piggy is superior to Ralph. Ralph realises this and feels bad in the way he treated Piggy. Towards the end of both books, the characters who were portrayed as superior: Anita and Ralph find it hard to cope when Meena and Piggy leave them. In Anita and Me, when Meena breaks the friendship between herself and Anita, Anita begins to find that she is jealous of Meena and sends her threatening notes. Similarly in Lord of the Flies, when Piggy dies, Ralph finds it hard to cope. He is left all alone and is abandoned by his so-called friends who he preferred to Piggy in the beginning. In both cases we find how much Ralph and Anita depended on Piggy and Meena to make them feel superior. While in actual fact, Meena and Piggy were the superior ones.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Weber

Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Weber Anthropologists make attempts to establish the relationships between cultural and economical sides of the life of the society, deciding between the materialistic and spiritualistic approaches or trying to integrate both of them. Weber’s theory of religious beliefs as the basis for the division of labor forces in capitalistic society can coexist with Malinowski’s and Lewi’s views but is opposed by Geertz who put emphasis on culture.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Weber specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The key issue of Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Weber is the definition of the primary principles of capitalism and the prioritized values of people living in a capitalistic society. Defining the leading principle of capitalism, he notes that â€Å"man is dominated by the making of money, by acquisition as the ultimate purpose of hi s life† (Weber 53). The researcher is aimed at establishing the relationships between the individual’s motivation for working, the principles of division of labor forces and materialistic values in the society and the level of its cultural development. Considering the religious beliefs as an integral element of culture having a significant impact on people’s decision making, Weber finds the rational explanation for prioritizing the materialistic values in the principles of the asceticism. Not limiting the concept of capitalistic culture to the economical structure of the society, Weber attempts to evaluate the influence of the religious beliefs on the citizens’ obedience to the existing economical laws. The anthropologist analyzes the protestant principle of calling as the main argument for faithful labor at low wages for the lowest strata that have no other opportunities. â€Å"The capitalism of to-day, which has come to dominate economic life, educates and selects the economic subjects which it needs through a process of economic survival of the fittest† (Weber 55). On the one hand, Weber points at the utilitarian nature of humans and their passion for acquisition of the material values, underestimating the importance of culture. On the other hand, he analyzes the evolution of the Christian beliefs and considers faithful calling to be the prototype for the division of labor forces in the contemporary capitalistic society. â€Å"One of the fundamental elements of the spirit of modern capitalism, and not only of that but of all modern culture: rational conduct on the basis of the idea of the calling, was born †¦ from the spirit of Christian asceticism† (Weber 180). Despite all his assertions as to the place of culture and religion in the system of beliefs, in the final conclusion part of his work Weber denies the effectiveness of one-sided interpretation of history from materialistic or spiritualistic perspective, considering the complex character of the issue.Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The anthropologists Malinowski, Levi and Geertz shed light upon the main principles of the development of the society, drawing the parallels between the present day beliefs and culture of primitive tribes, ancient myths and contemporary science. For instance, researching the social code of Kula population, Malinowski contrasts their preferences and beliefs of capitalistic society. At the same time, evaluating the place of materialistic values in the system of beliefs of the tribe, the researcher establishes the relationship between the property and the social status because for Kula people â€Å"to possess is to be great, and that wealth is indispensable appanage of social rank and attribute of personal virtue (Malinowski 103). Describing the competition of generosity among the richest members of t he tribe, Malinowski still points at the significance of economical acquisition of the population as the marker of their position in the society and corresponding obligations. Analyzing the common features of the myths structure, Levi uses their content as the basis for interpreting the principle of the division of labor forces in present day society. â€Å"The problem often regarded as insoluble, vanishes when it is shown that the clowns-gluttons who may with impunity make excessive use of agricultural products – have the same function in relation to food production as the war-gods† (Levi 223). Similar to Weber’s analysis of the Christian beliefs, Levi finds the roots for the present day social injustice in ancient myths, explaining the inequality of various strata of population and other social phenomena with the gods’ will. As opposed to all the previous researchers, Geertz focuses his studies on the concept of culture, giving preference to the spiritu alistic interpretation of the life of the society. Altering the traditional definition of culture, he points at its significance and impact on other spheres. Geertz develops Weber’s theory of a man as an animal in the significance webs which he/she creates â€Å"I take culture to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experimental science in search of law but an interpretive one in search of meaning† (Geertz 6). Thus, the views of Malinowski and Levi do not contradict Weber’s theory and can coexist, while Geertz shifts emphasis to culture as the significant element of the life of society. Drawing the parallels between the system of beliefs and the organization of society, anthropologists try to make understanding of social phenomena and people’s consciousness more comprehensive. Weber, Malinowski, Levi and Geertz used the definition of the concept of culture as the basis for explaining the main principle of division of labor forces.A dvertising We will write a custom essay sample on Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Weber specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Geertz, Clifford. The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books Publishers, 1973. Print Levi-Strauss, Claude. Structural Anthropology. Trans. Claire Jacobson and Brooke Schoepf. New York: Basic Books Publishers, 1963. Print. Malinowski, Bronislav. Argonauts of the Western Pacific. New York: Routledge. 1932. Print. Weber, Max. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Trans. Talcott Parsons. New York: Routledge. 1992. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Cry, The Beloved Country Quotes

Cry, The Beloved Country Quotes Cry, The Beloved Country is the famous African novel by Alan Paton. The story follows the journey of a minister, who travels to the big city in search of his prodigal son. Cry, The Beloved Country is said to have been inspired (or influenced) by Laurens van der Posts novel  In a Province (1934). Alan Paton started the novel in 1946, and the book was finally published in 1948. Paton was a South African author and anti-apartheid activist.   Quotes From Chapter One Through Chapter Ten There is a lovely road that runs from Ixopo into the hills... [T]hey go to Johannesburg, and there they are lost, and no one hears of them at all. One day in Johannesburg, and already the tribe was being rebuilt, the house and soul being restored. I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they are turned to loving, they will find that we are turned to hating. All roads lead to Johannesburg. Now God be thanked that the name of a hill is such music, that the name of a river can heal. Quotes From Chapter Eleven Through Chapter Twenty for who is not silent when someone is dead, who was a small bright boy? Cry, the beloved country, for the unborn child that is the inheritor of our fear. Have no doubt it is fear in his eyes. You see, my brother, there is no proof that my son or this other young man was there at all. [W]e do what is in us, and why it is in us, that is also a secret. It is Christ in us, crying that men may be succoured and forgiven, even when He Himself is forsaken. Old man, leave him alone. You lead him so far and then you spring upon him. Quotes From Chapter Twenty Through Chapter Thirty It is not permissible to add to ones possessions if these things can only be done at the cost of other men. Such development has only one true name, and that is exploitation. The truth is, our civilization is not Christian; it is a tragic compound of great ideal and fearful practice, of loving charity and fearful clutching of possessions. In a land of fear this incorruptibility is like a lamp set upon a stand, giving light to all that are in the house. [T]his thing that is the heaviest thing of all my years, is the heaviest thing of all your years also. Nothing is ever quiet, except for fools. I shall care for your child, my son, even as if it were my own. I am a weak and sinful man, but God put His hands on me, that is all. Something deep is touched here, something that is good and deep. Forgive us all, for we all have trespasses. I have learned that kindness and love can pay for pain and suffering. Quotes From Chapter Thirty-One Through Chapter Thirty-Five When you go, something bright will go out of Ndotsheni. that is a small angel from God. Although nothing has come yet, something is here already. One thing is about to be finished, but here is something that is only begun. But when the dawn will come, of our emancipation, from the fear of bondage and the bondage of fear, why, that is a secret.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Feminine Mystique Definition and Background

Feminine Mystique Definition and Background The Feminine Mystique is remembered as the book that â€Å"started† the womens movement and 1960s feminism in the United States. But what is the definition of the feminine mystique? What did Betty Friedan describe and analyze in her 1963 bestseller? Famous, or Famously Misunderstood? Even people who have not read The Feminine Mystique can often identify it as a book that drew attention to the massive unhappiness of women trying to fit a media-idealized â€Å"happy suburban housewife† image. The book examined the role of women’s magazines, Freudian psychology, and educational institutions in limiting women’s life options. Betty Friedan drew back the curtain on society’s pursuit of the pervasive mystique. But exactly what did she expose? Definition of the Feminine Mystique The feminine mystique is the false notion that a woman’s â€Å"role† in society is to be a wife, mother, and housewife - nothing else. The mystique is an artificial idea of femininity that says having a career and/or fulfilling one’s individual potential somehow go against womens pre-ordained role. The mystique is the constant barrage of homemaker-nurturer-mother images that esteem the virtue of keeping house and raising children as essential womanhood while criticizing the â€Å"masculinity† of women who want to do other things, whether along with or instead of the mystique-approved duties.   In Betty Friedans Words â€Å"The feminine mystique says that the highest value and the only commitment for women is the fulfillment of their own femininity,† Betty Friedan wrote in The Feminine Mystique’s second chapter, â€Å"The Happy Housewife Heroine.†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It says that the great mistake of Western culture, through most of its history, has been the undervaluation of this femininity. It says this femininity is so mysterious and intuitive and close to the creation and origin of life that man-made science may never be able to understand it. But however special and different, it is in no way inferior to the nature of man; it may even in certain respects be superior. The mistake, says the mystique, the root of women’s troubles in the past is that women envied men, women tried to be like men, instead of accepting their own nature, which can find fulfillment only in sexual passivity, male domination, and nurturing maternal love. (The Feminine Mystique, New York: W.W. Norton 2001 paperback edition, pp. 91-92) One major problem was that the mystique told women it was something new. Instead, as Betty Friedan wrote in 1963, â€Å"the new image this mystique gives to American women is the old image: ‘Occupation: housewife.’† (p. 92) Inventing an Old-Fashioned Idea The new mystique made being a housewife-mother the ultimate goal, rather than recognizing that women (and men) could be freed by modern appliances and technology from many of the domestic labors of earlier centuries. Women of previous generations may have had no choice but to spend more time cooking, cleaning, washing and bearing children. Now, in mid-20th century U.S. life, instead of allowing women to do something else, the mystique stepped in and made this image: â€Å"into a religion, a pattern by which all women must now live or deny their femininity.† (p. 92) Rejecting the Mystique Betty Friedan ably dissected the messages of women’s magazines and their emphasis on buying more household products, a self-fulfilling prophecy designed to keep women in the fabricated role. She also analyzed Freudian analysis and the ways women were blamed for their own unhappiness and lack of fulfillment. The prevailing narrative told them they simply weren’t living up to the mystique’s standards.   The Feminine Mystique awakened many readers to the realization that the upper-middle-class-suburban-homemaker-mother image being spread across the land was a false idea that hurt women, families, and society. The mystique denied everyone the benefits of a world in which all people could work to their fullest potential.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Global Warming, Politics and Policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global Warming, Politics and Policies - Essay Example As the paper declares Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the most prevalent of the greenhouse gases. Trees absorb CO2 and when they die, CO2 is restored to the atmosphere. The clearing of forests by mass burning, which is happening at a phenomenal rate in the tropical rain forests, is decreasing the amount of CO2 that is absorbed and increasing the amount that is added to the atmosphere. CO2 supplies about half of the total gases that create the greenhouse effect (Breuer, 1980). Although deforestation is contributing heavily to the excess of CO2 in the atmosphere, a larger portion is caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as oil and coal. Fossil fuels are burned by factories, vehicles and electricity-producing power plants to name a few sources. According to the research findings the vast majority of this excessive fuel consumption and its poisonous, pollutant and greenhouse-enhancing byproducts are located in the U.S., Europe and Russia. Other greenhouse gases include methane, which is released when vegetation is burned during land clearing, during oil exploration activities and the coal-mining process; chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which is the substance that cools refrigerators and provides the propulsion in aerosol cans and nitrous oxide (N2O) which is the lesser cause of CO2. It is generated from both man-made and natural processes. It is estimated that man-made influences represents about half of the CO2 output.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Award criteria and nomination report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Award criteria and nomination report - Essay Example Financial reporting and financial statements play an important role in projecting the position of a company in the market. Share holders and all the related groups find financial reporting as an important tool, which help them in making decisions regarding business. Financial reporting covers a wide range of Information as compared to the financial statements only. In broader perspective financial statements are the part of financial reporting but financial reporting is much more than financial statement. With the changing global business environment the reporting needs of the business has also transformed. The information required in to be reported is much more than the cash activities. Now days the requirement of information disclosure from both internal and external sides has been increased. The advancement and the volatile nature of business are replacing the old methodologies. The users of the information are become much more aware. This has given rise to the accountability. The Companies are required to disclose information related to more aspects than in past. Transparency of the information has also become a necessity. The Financial information disclosed by a company to its stakeholders are required to posses some important characteristics so that it can serve the purpose of the users in successful manner. A brief discussion of these qualities is given as under.

English Composition Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

English Composition - Coursework Example On the other, human memory differs from computer memory. The computer memory requires hardware and software in order for information processing to take place. Human memory does not require any hardware or software. The computer memory stores information in a hard disk which can be affected by virus and have all information corrupted. The human brain is not affected, and it is difficulty to have the information stored in the human brain erased (Ullman, 2003). From the ideas generated from different texts and construction of outlines, it is simple to write a standard thesis. I will utilise the use of different information from different authors to come up with constructive ideas about the problem of study (Gundersheimer, 2011). I will also use the texts to contract a literature review which will help readers to understand other author’s ideas about the problem or study. From the material research, I will emerge with a conclusion of the thesis (Turkle,

Setting Expectations and Supporting Learning Coursework

Setting Expectations and Supporting Learning - Coursework Example This paper seeks to identify the ways in which the ground rules can be established and also illustrate how such ground rules will help in underpinning appropriate behaviour and respect for others in the classroom. The paper will also include a brief explanation of the resources required in the learning environment and how the teachers can facilitate them to the students. Besides, it will also identify such qualified organizations, which can help the students to meet certain specific needs that are beyond the scope of the teachers. Establishing Ground Rules with Learners: The ground rules for students’ conduct in the learning environment can be established in two ways. The first option is for the teacher to decide and implement them. On the other hand, the teacher can involve the students in the process and encourage them to participate in deciding what rules should prevail in their learning environment. Ground rules are necessary to create a suitable learning environment where students respect one another and to make best use of the resources to attain the learning objectives. Rather than imposing the ground rules in an arbitrary manner, it will serve the purpose of establishing a congenial learning environment, if students are allowed to partake in the formation of such guidelines for the team. This is because the learning requirements and styles of the participants differ from one another. Thus, it is important that the ground rules are compatible with the temperament and learning styles of different kinds of students. I will impress upon them that the ground rules are necessary to safeguard their learning interests and to establish mutual respect and rapport among the members of the learning team so as to achieve the learning objectives. Thus, I will establish the ground rules in consultation with the students, by taking their suggestions and involving them in the process. In this manner they will be able to know the significance and relevance of each rule so formed and will respect it. Gravells (2011) also endorses that the implementation of ground rules will be more objective and yield better learning outcomes, if learners are involved in the process of framing the ground rules rather than the teacher enforcing them upon the students. Besides, it will also be a good idea to implore the students to consider their past experience in learning environments and evaluate situations where ground rules have helped them achieve their objectives. Thus, establishing the ground rules in this manner will help them not only in understanding the significance of following the ground rules in the process of attaining the learning outcomes but also will generate in them a feeling that the teacher values their opinions. However, the teachers also need to consider the fact that some learners may be in the habit of trying to impose themselves and attempt to push the teacher. For example, in matters such as smoking and following instructions during a crisis, the teacher has to impose the rule arbitrarily. On the other hand, in the case of rules relating to the use of mobile phones and dress codes, the teacher may, depending on the individual circumstances, use his or her discretion while framing the ground rules. Therefore, the process of establishing ground rules should consider providing maximum leeway to students to tap the resources available, while restricting them to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What factors have shaped the processes of globalization Essay

What factors have shaped the processes of globalization - Essay Example The process of globalization started as earlier as mankind began trading (Garrett 154-171). Throughout history, globalization had had a number of bursts such as the time of great explorers, colonial experience, industrial revolution and transport revolution. The world has progressively shrunk with economic time and space. Globalization can also be defined as a process which based on the international strategies and it aims at expanding the business operations worldwide. It is usually precipitated by facilitation of the global communications in technological advancements, political, environment socioeconomic developments (Guisinger 65-69). Globalization can also be defined as process of the growing interdependence between people in the world. People are linked socially and economically by investments, trade and governance. The links are spurred by the liberalization of trade, information, communication and transport technology. Normally, any global economy is considered as an unpreced ented phenomenon and should not be confused with the economic internationalization. The world economy has been in existence since 16th century based on development of the international trade, migration and foreign investment. The national state acts as engine of the national state. A globalized economy has the potential of working as a unit on a planetary scale and in real time. Globalization may be as a result of growth of the multinational corporations, increased international trade, and application of computer and information technologies and the internationalization of finance (Guisinger 65-69). However, definitions for globalization vary based on approaches and sentiments by the definer. Globalization and globalism are used to express similar phenomena. Globalization is the process while globalism is the approach. The two can be differentiated with usual implication of globalization being negative and globalism being positive; globalization refers to the process through which c orporations move their factories, money and products throughout the world at extremely rapid rates in quest for cheaper raw material, labour, and the government may ignore and abandon the environmental protection, labour and consumer laws. Ideologically, this is unfettered by moral and ethical considerations. On the other hand, globalism entails the belief that the world is a fragile planet form survival, and it requires careful treatment and mutual respect for all the people. Therefore, like all the values and ethical beliefs, it calls for active practice in the daily lives. The three central features undergirding globalism include communication, resource sharing and mutual aid (Guisinger 65-69). Causes of Globalization The state ventures like colonial conquest act as key drivers to the globalization process. Globalization has reflected the market forces, particularly the exploitation the exploitation by both large and small businesses leading to a lot of benefits from the trade in commodities, capital and opportunities for emerging investment and markets. The global economic integration has been perpetrated through the behest of the World War II after leaders in Britain and United States enhanced the establishment of the international monetary fund and World Bank, to promote capitalistic and liberal world to counter the effects of Marxism and Socialism. The World Bank and IMF grant loans on condition that borrowing country reduces the role of the state in economy, remove the restrictions on the foreign investment, decrease

Solow-Swan growth model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Solow-Swan growth model - Essay Example The model begins with neoclassical production function presented by equation Y/L = F (K/L. making y the subject of the equation y = f(k), and this is represented by the red curve. Therefore, output per worker translates to capital per worker. From the graph, n = population growth rate, y = output/income per, k = capital per worker, worker, s = saving rate, L = labor force, and ÃŽ ´ = depreciation.The steady state is at point A where the two graphs interact. At this point, the first equilibrium, the output per worker is ever constant. When the investment cannot combat population output per worker the curve falls from y2 to y0. When saving per worker is greater than depreciation plus the population growth, the cumulative capital increases leading to shifting of the steady state from equilibrium A to B.The concept of Keynesian economics is based on the divine entity that can lead to over economic difficulties. The Keynesian economics model emphases on the fact that intervention put by t he government to necessary economic stability and growth during economic hard times. In this economic model, the government has a vital role to smoothen the business cycle bumps. The model stresses on the significant measures the government should take on spending, hiking, tax breaking among other measures for the economy to function best during the economic crisis. The main importance of Keynesian economics economy is that it helps governments to survive severe economic depression (Frank and Bernanke 54).... In this economic model, the government has a vital role to smoothen the business cycle bumps. The model stresses on the significant measures the government should take on spending, hiking, tax breaking among other measures for the economy to function best during the economic crisis. The main importance of Keynesian economics economy is that it helps governments to survive severe economic depression (Frank and Bernanke 54). According to Keynesian economics theory, the macroeconomic economy is significant than a market aggregate. Moreover, resource markets and individual commodities can easily lead to automatic equilibrium that can last for a long time. However, it does not guarantee fell employment. Nonetheless, the Keynesian economics benefit government policies since it gives a helping hand to the economy. IS/LM chart illustrates an upward shift in the IS a curve that indicates an increase private investment or government spending thereby leading to interest rates (i) due to higher output (Y) Great Recession The Great Recession is the estimated as the longest regression of between 2007 and 2012. Therefore, it is sometimes called the 2007 global regression or the lesser depression. It is related to the dominant global decline that started in December 2007 and registered a sharp down downward turn in 2008. The Great Recession affected the economy of the entire globe and some of the countries were hardly hit. The main characteristic of this recession was the systematic imbalance that led to global financial crisis between 2007 and 2012. Furthermore, it led to the European sovereign debt crisis. Regardless, of the European debt crisis, china and United States showed a continued economic growth; thus, these two nations becoming global economic

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What factors have shaped the processes of globalization Essay

What factors have shaped the processes of globalization - Essay Example The process of globalization started as earlier as mankind began trading (Garrett 154-171). Throughout history, globalization had had a number of bursts such as the time of great explorers, colonial experience, industrial revolution and transport revolution. The world has progressively shrunk with economic time and space. Globalization can also be defined as a process which based on the international strategies and it aims at expanding the business operations worldwide. It is usually precipitated by facilitation of the global communications in technological advancements, political, environment socioeconomic developments (Guisinger 65-69). Globalization can also be defined as process of the growing interdependence between people in the world. People are linked socially and economically by investments, trade and governance. The links are spurred by the liberalization of trade, information, communication and transport technology. Normally, any global economy is considered as an unpreced ented phenomenon and should not be confused with the economic internationalization. The world economy has been in existence since 16th century based on development of the international trade, migration and foreign investment. The national state acts as engine of the national state. A globalized economy has the potential of working as a unit on a planetary scale and in real time. Globalization may be as a result of growth of the multinational corporations, increased international trade, and application of computer and information technologies and the internationalization of finance (Guisinger 65-69). However, definitions for globalization vary based on approaches and sentiments by the definer. Globalization and globalism are used to express similar phenomena. Globalization is the process while globalism is the approach. The two can be differentiated with usual implication of globalization being negative and globalism being positive; globalization refers to the process through which c orporations move their factories, money and products throughout the world at extremely rapid rates in quest for cheaper raw material, labour, and the government may ignore and abandon the environmental protection, labour and consumer laws. Ideologically, this is unfettered by moral and ethical considerations. On the other hand, globalism entails the belief that the world is a fragile planet form survival, and it requires careful treatment and mutual respect for all the people. Therefore, like all the values and ethical beliefs, it calls for active practice in the daily lives. The three central features undergirding globalism include communication, resource sharing and mutual aid (Guisinger 65-69). Causes of Globalization The state ventures like colonial conquest act as key drivers to the globalization process. Globalization has reflected the market forces, particularly the exploitation the exploitation by both large and small businesses leading to a lot of benefits from the trade in commodities, capital and opportunities for emerging investment and markets. The global economic integration has been perpetrated through the behest of the World War II after leaders in Britain and United States enhanced the establishment of the international monetary fund and World Bank, to promote capitalistic and liberal world to counter the effects of Marxism and Socialism. The World Bank and IMF grant loans on condition that borrowing country reduces the role of the state in economy, remove the restrictions on the foreign investment, decrease

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Missing Link Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Missing Link - Essay Example ################################################################################################################################################################################################# A###########0####V### ############ ############ ## D####-### ###0####K### ###L#e#x#m#a#r#k# #X#1#1#0#0# #S#e#r#i#e#s##############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################P#X#,#.#.#,#P#X#0#################################################################################################################################################################(###9#### ###Z#####6#T#... #####0####:i###+00#3|#x#########################U##### ##############################################L#e#v#e#l# #1###################L#e#v#e#l# #2###################L#e#v#e#l# #3###################L#e#v#e#l# #4###################L#e#v#e#l# #5########################################################L#e#v#e#l# #1###################L#e#v#e#l# #2###################L#e#v#e#l# #3###################L#e#v#e#l# #4###################L#e#v#e#l# #5########################################################L#e#v#e#l# #1###################L#e#v#e#l# #2###################L#e#v#e#l# #3###################L#e#v#e#l# #4###################L#e#v#e#l# #5########################################################L#e#v#e#l# #1###################L#e#v#e#l# #2###################L#e#v#e#l# #3###################L#e#v#e#l# #4###################L#e#v#e#l# #5########################################################L#e#v#e#l# #1###################L#e#v#e#l# #2###################L#e#v#e#l# #3###################L#e#v#e#l# #4 ###################L#e#v#e#l#

Monday, October 14, 2019

Death In Christianity And Hinduism Religion Essay

Death In Christianity And Hinduism Religion Essay No matter what an individuals religion, everyone wants their deceased loved ones to pass on safely to the next life, whatever they may believe that to be. Every religion has a different view of the afterlife. That is what makes different religions different and unique. Hindus and Christians seem to have a pretty different view of death, funerals, how to dispose of bodies, and the afterlife. Even though cremation was frowned upon in the early Christian church, more and more people are considering it acceptable. But, for the most part, when someone of the Christian faith dies they are buried. The reason cremation was not acceptable is because Christians believe the body is a temple, and is therefore sacred. Some also believe that upon Jesus Christs second returning, they dead will rise up out of their graves to join him in Heaven. These Christians believe that the dead are merely resting until their gods second return. Others believe that at the moment of death, a soul is either present with the Lord in Heaven or in hell and when Jesus Christ does return again, they will have new, glorified bodies. At a Hindu funeral ceremony, it is expected that the attendees wear white and dress rather casually. White is associated with spirituality, truth, and purity. Friend visit the family at the home of the deceased and can sent flowers along with their condolences, but bringing food to the family is not one of their customs. There is usually an open casket (obviously, the ceremony takes place before the cremation). The people conducting the ceremony would be the Hindu priest and the senior family members. Ten days after the funeral, another ceremony is held to liberate the soul for its ascent to Heaven. Guests are expected to bring fruit. On the other end of the spectrum, Christians would normally wear dark, somber colors to a funeral. This is simply to show sadness and that a person would be in a period of mourning. This practice isnt quite as common as it used to be. More and more people are beginning to wear brighter colors to a funeral. Most of the time, the service would be held either at a funeral home or a church. The service is generally conducted by a Christian priest/preacher and sometimes friends or family members of the deceased are encouraged to say a few good words about the person. Bringing food and flowers to the grieving family are both Christian customs. Unless the person died in an unfortunate manner, the casket would be open. After the funeral service, attendees are encouraged to attend the family at the cemetery, unless it has been announced that the graveside service is privately for the family only. As stated before, Hindus believe that the soul has no beginning and no end. They believe that after a person dies, their soul lives on and becomes someone or something else. This all depends on the individuals karma, which are the effects of a persons actions that determine his or her destiny in the next incarnation. Christians believe that right after death, a person has no second chances. If they have accepted Christ and have lived the way they should, then they will reside in Heaven with God. If not, they will be sent to hell to suffer eternally. Hindus and Christians have very different views of death. All the things mentioned here dont even make a dent in all the customs and rituals each religion has. No matter the faith, every religion has some customs that deal with death and everyone wonders about the afterlife, but no matter how hard they try to explain how it will be, no one will really know until it is their time.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Themes of Antigone :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Themes of Antigone Antigone is credited as one of the best works of Sophocles, ranked by most modern critics above Oedipus the King. There are many aspects of Antigone that make it the play critics love to ramble about. â€Å"Antigone must be received as the canon of ancient tragedy: no tragedy of antiquity that we possess approaches it in pure idealism, or in harmony of artistic development† says one critic named Berhardy. Tragedy is usually concerned with a person of great stature, a king or nobleman, who falls because of hubris, or extreme pride and Antigone is no exception. Pride and its effects are a central part of Antigone’s plot and theme. Pride, being part of their character and morality, overran in to their literature and was a complex and multifaceted concept in Greek tragedy, exemplified by Sophocles’ Antigone. In the play both Creon and Antigone were incredibly proud and unwilling to back down once they took their stands. Creon had made a decision and was unwilling to compromise. Antigone was to die for her violation of the law, the sin of burying her brother. Antigone’s gender had a profound affect on the meaning of her actions. Creon had disliked for her disrespectful and rebelling nature. His need to defeat her was all the more pressing because she was a woman. â€Å"The ideal of the female character in Antigone is boldly and severely outlined. The freedom of Greek women was extremely limited and restrictive. Antigone’s rebellion is threatening because it upset the gender roles and hierarchy. Creon was a sympathetic character but abused his power. One of the purposes of the Chorus is to illustrate the sway of public opinion. In the end of the play, Creon is ruler over an orderly city, but he has lost everything dear to him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Closely related to the theme of gender, the theme of Inaction/Lack of Agency versus Agency plays itself out in the contrast between Antigone and her sister Ismene. Ismene chooses to do nothing under the threat of the law whereas Antigone chooses to act despite the possible penalties. Antigone and Creon are both championing what is right, but they define rightness through different sets of values. In Antigone, Creon finally recognized that he has been misguided and that his actions have led to the death of his wife and son. Antigone’s persistence in disobeying Creons decree falls under the themes of Individual verses State: Conscience versus Law: Moral or Divine Law versus Human Law.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Snow, Yolanda by Julia Alvarez Essay -- culture, latina writer

Culture molds the character of writers and gives a variety of different perspective on certain life experiences. In Julia Alvarez’s short story Snow, Yolanda, an immigrant student, moved to New York. While attending a Catholic school in New York, bomb drills were performed. The teacher would explain why these drills were important. Yolanda later found out that her first experience of watching snow was not the best experience one could possibly have. Julia Alvarez was an example of how a Latina writer identified herself in a new culture outside of her comfort zone. She, as a Dominican Diaspora, had to reinvent herself as she migrated into a new scenario. Her assimilation into the United States culture allowed her to understand and relate to the reader’s needs and points of interests. After all the effort, Alvarez kept in mind that she could not comfort to all the reality that she lived in, so she re-reinvented herself all over again to process her thoughts and beliefs into her life. She put her perspective on her writing so that the new wave of readers, even if they did not understand, could relate in some way and appreciate the differences. The sole purpose of her writings was for everyone to change their perspective from â€Å"walk to the other side of the street in order to avoid sharing the same sidewalk† to â€Å"I do not know them, but I do not avoid them because I do not know them†. She instilled in h er reader’s mind how ordinary events were viewed differently through other cultures’ eyes. Her story Snow was a great example of how she portrayed her technique. Many reviews have been written on Julia Alvarez since she is a Dominican Diaspora, a Jew who lived outside of Israel, who wrote in a Latina perspective in the country of Uni... ... Works Cited Julia Alvarez. â€Å"Snow†. Portable Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing. Ed. Lauren G, Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. 8th ed. Boston, Wadsworth 2011. 75-76. Print â€Å"Marking The Centennial Of Pable Neruda’s Birth: A Review of His Selected Works.† Social Studies 95.4 (n.d): 181.SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 25 March. 2014. Neruda, Pablo. â€Å"Ode to the Liver (poem).† Alcohol Research & Health 27.3 (n.d.): 210. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 25 March. 2014. Rivas-Rojas, Raquel. â€Å"FABULAS DE ARRAIGO VICARIO EN LA NARRATIVA DE JULIA ALVAREZ. (Spanish).† Canadian Journal Of Latin American & Caribbean Studies 33.66 (2008): 157-169. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. Suarà ©z, Lucia M. â€Å"Julia Alvarez And The Anxiety Of Latina Representation.† Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 5.1 (2004): 117-145. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 25 Mar.2014.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Boundary Issues

The term boundary can be understood to mean something that indicates a boarder or a limit. This is in other words a boarder or limit so indicated. This can as well be classified into two major classes of boundaries as can be seen here:- Divergent boundaries-using the geographical aspect of explanation, it can be described as occurrence at the point where two plates move away from each other. This creates more crust at the point of separation. Convergent boundaries-this is when the plates are moving into one another neither sub ducting into the other but pushing up the crust.Crust slip boundary-this can be termed another division where plates are colliding into one another at an angle. Tension builds and released inform of an earthquake. All human love and dialog is a striving to reconcile our longing for the gone bliss of togetherness with our equally intense desire for separateness (cited Jane Adams, PhD). Human minds encompass these conflicting issues through creation and uncreatio n of boundaries. These are mental issues and structures that increase in their nature of complexity and number. This does happen when we meet other people and develop our own capacities.We are able to identify our thoughts and feelings together with our emotions from those of others. This comes to happen simply because they tend to format all our memories and thinking, experiences, emotions and sensations in our identity. They do not occupy our geographical but rather mental phenomenon in our minds. This creates a real boarder in our minds. Boundaries define how self identifies itself. They do not only determine where you begin but also where you end. This goes to the space between us too. Boundaries are responsible for how we deal with the dilemma of being human.Self-in-dilemma defines how we identify and relate with others. This too stretches to identifying ourselves by maintaining our identity by our autonomy and independence. One thing that is so clear is that relationship diffe rences are as a result of boundaries. This has been seen frequently being encountered between parents and children, spouses, partners, friends and professional colleagues. Intimacy, loneliness, conflict, anxiety, stress and challenges at every stage of life are dealt with by the creation of boundaries. The development of our personalities is central to this as well as how our identity s identified.This is defined to how we think and feel about ourselves and how others perceive us. This is a special lens through which we perceive ourselves, how we are and why we are those kinds of people that we are able to see in ourselves. Limits of inner boundaries Many at times we might argue but the truth of the matter is that generic inheritance is responsible for the shaping of our inner boundaries (this is meant to identify with individual neuro chemistry, how sensitive the amygdala is and the connection of various parts of the brains among other things).Habits of the mind, neuro chemistry an d temperament dictate the extend to which our inner boundaries are connected or separate our thoughts and feelings, distinction of our mental experiences, from those of others, how they absorb or deflect the influence of their thought, moods and voices on our own and distinction among the identity, ego and superego. This gives the conscious, unconscious and preconscious contents of our minds and their property. Connection between inner boundaries and addiction Boundaries hail from recovery movement. Boundaries dysfunction and confusion coupled withdistortion are symptomatic of drug problems, alcohol, food, sex spending and other substances or activities that are considered to be addictive in nature. Addiction and recovery literature touches on boundaries and it does generally give a short attention to inner boundaries and rather focuses on interpersonal ones. Boundaries go not only to the extend of affecting the relationship with others but also emotional balance , personalities, co gnitive ability, career choice, art preference, music and architecture, political views and opinion not forgetting attitude. It also stretches to attitudes towards money and time.As an influence of personality, it is so surprising how boundaries are overlooked yet they are so an important aspect of our lives. This is so for psychiatrists who are concerned with individual rather than individual in relationship to. When we are discussing issues to do with boundaries, we should talk of boundaries and hoe they affect us directly and their influence on the people living around us. The world being a global village, and human beings being the only existent social beings in nature, the comfort of our neighbors should be of great interest to us.When we live as a community, we should put in mind the immediate aspect of how our neighbors are and not just the single life existing between us. Mental illness is the hallmark of distorted inner boundaries and this explains why they end up behaving like so, interpersonal psychiatrists differently think about boundaries(inner ones). They look at how they shape our social upbringing and as well how they organize or disorganize the contents of our minds . When inner boundaries are termed porous or weak , then the self is empty and famished . Forever one will be in search of someone to fill or repair it.In case we make it more rigid and solid ,it is always hard to let other people understand us,touch us or even move us, when we distort them to the worst ,so is the person himself. This means no psychological growth can occur within us social workers in practice encounter situations that end up bringing boundary problems or potential boundary problems. In a situation where workers face workers encounter conflict of interest , boundary problems arise. This is dual or several relationship boundary issues. Multiple relationships are as result of professional engaging in more than one relationship.Relationships have been established to be common primarily among social workers and their current workers and their colleagues. Discussions mainly focuses on dual relationship especially exploitive ones. As seen with social workers who get sexually involved with clients , this is a clear explanation of social dual dual boundary problem, This has been seen over a range of acts inclusive of providing home telephone number for official events, accepting goods and services from people one is not supposed to, ranging as far fetched issues as well.Jayarante et all , 1997 noted â€Å" and now swinging in a narrower arc the arm of controversy and can be done away with and dual relationships like sexual attachment with clients should be avoided greatly. It would be good that professionals continue to work with integrity and dignity and to bring out the difference concerning sexual relationships that we should be able to avoid as much as possible. (pg 190) One has a broader examination lense and a fine toned understanding of the levels which we should be able to get ourselves involved.Sexual relationship prohibitions between doctors and students have been described not to be a thing of the late twentieth century. The physician-patient relationship demands the doctor be very disciplined to ensure that the patient . Doctors should do everything to avoid relationship that will impair their professional judgment or the possibility of creating a dirty game that erodes the trust and confidence placed in them by their patients The question of whether the situations of sexual misconduct between doctors and patients is as bad as itappears to be remains and snag between peoples mind. Some have argued that the situation is being overstated and people have kept citing the same incident to justify their overstatements. Which has always said that the the case is understatement. For the purpose of better understanding of this problem, a review of the available cases and their sources has to be done. Data has shown that th e the studies were conducted through selection of cases based on anonymity through the mail.The first case was the collection of data by asking the patients and practitioners being asked to tell how many of the practitioners being asked to tell how many of their friend and have been involved in a similar act with their partners. The second case did not account for the patients who had been involved in the issue with several practitioners and reported over the last 25 years. Boundary issues come in more than one sharpened size and addresses most fundamental aspects of the therapeutic practice, Regarding boundary issues, the therapist is responsible for two kinds of standards.†Minimal standards being the first one is the most mandatory and whenever violated it leads to punishment. † â€Å" Aspirational standards† comes next even though it is not as mandatory as such and do not participate in the punishment of the individuals. They are sources which we should underst and and work towards achieving in order to have the best out of our professions. A professional therapist will get engaged in both minimal and aspirational standards to ensure that he achieves the best and avoidance of the blunders in life.Among the issues that can be understood as boundary issues ranges from being a clients friend being differentiated from being their therapist, formation in therapy of sexually intimate relations, offering the client non licensed services from the reason when you first met and failure to keep your private life away from the client. Through assessing the following issues one is able to understand himself better and work towards getting the best deal out of his working relationship with his clients.This also does promote the ethical way of living. The client feels more of a friend with you than a client at the end of the therapy session. One might also feel sexually aroused in the response to a client. It may also come in a sense when one would like to be lovers with a client at the end of the therapy session. Do you ever have sexual contact with the client? You often go into careful selection of your clothes with a specific client in mind. It is also seen in times when a particular clients time always runs overtime.Engaging in friendly talks with the client thus revealing so much of yourself towards a particular client. Healthy boundaries have also been described to exist whatsoever. This has been described through willingness to say no in order to clearly notify others that they are stepping on your toes. Controversially, you are also willing to say yes. One too has the ability to make requests and seek alternatives when other people say no to him. It also comes with one having a sense of personal understanding and self respect. It stretches too to making self disclosure appropriate.One reveals information about himself gradually and this comes at a time when self respect has been developed leading to development in trust. Mu tual sharing must be the guiding factors to this. Lastly one never tolerates abuse or disrespect. You should recognize when the problem is yours or the other person’s. if it doesn’t have to be yours, you simply don’t jump in to provide a solution but instead let the other person be responsible for his own boundaries. At times, a situation of collapsed or no boundaries has been described. This has been manifested through several states as well.When one can’t say no for fear of abandonment or rejection. One discloses too much information about himself or herself. If one takes no other people’s feelings apart from empathy and high tolerance for abuse and being treated with disrespect it dearly demonstrates collapsed boundaries. It further stretches to the feeling of â€Å"I believe I deserve it† when treated badly. This is coupled with doing anything to avoid conflict with other people. Being focused on achieving what you believe other people w ant you to be letting you have no sense of noting fully in others.You always want to act to please other people and in return forget all about molding respected and responsible individual in yourself. Boundaries can be important in our lives. They do give us ownership. A boundary can in simple terms be described as a property line. Knowing where our property starts and ends one is able to understand and have a claim of ownership over the given property. We tend to understand what belongs to us and what doesn’t at the same time. Through having boundaries and having defined the extent of ownership it does give us a sense of responsibility.We are responsible for keeping well what belongs to us. As such, individuals are taught to take good care of what belongs to them so that we do not interfere with other people’s freedom and rights. This helps understanding where one’s freedom or control starts and ends. Understanding the freedom one has from the spouse we are abl e to open up several other opportunities. As clearly understood that your next door neighbor cannot force you paint your house walls green or red we tend to understand that we cannot poke our noses into other people’s affairs and expect to do away with it.The triangle of boundaries revolves around freedom, love and responsibility. We were created free by God and given the responsibility for our freedom as well. Being set free, makes us be responsible for our deeds failure for which leads to prosecution. As stated in the whole bible we are asked to love God and worship him all along. God expects us to live free and take responsibility for our own freedom besides loving him so much. If we accomplished these three events of life, then life becomes a bed of roses and an Eden of experience. Incredibility occurs as these three ingredients of life do happen.When love grows, spouses become more and more free of slavery; being self centered, living patterns that are sinful and limitat ions that are self imposed tend to fade away. This leads to spouses gaining a greater sense of self control and responsibility. As a result of acting more responsibly one becomes more loving. This sends back to the start the cycle all over again. The secret towards happiness in a long lasting relationship is this one. A couple married for more than 10 years can boast of this since they learn to become more of themselves with time and get more loved in return.Love has been known to exist only where there is freedom. Protection is the last aspect of boundaries. Taking an example of a home or a house, one is always struggling to keep his house under lock and key to ensure that there is protection and safety. It was said by Jesus that dogs should not be given what is sacred. Our (pearks) should not be thrown to pigs instead. They might trample them under their feet and immediately they are done they will turn to tear you into pieces (cited Matthew 7:6). These fences are used to keep the bad ones out and only let in the good ones.This means that the permeability of boundaries is an issue. As with individuals, one needs boundaries that can be put up when the evil is present and be laid down when the dangerous states are done with. Living within truth makes us safe. This regards truth as another very important boundary. Boundaries are provided with the truth and principle of guidance from God. When we do the following we define it as truth; do not lie or commit adultery, coveting other peoples property like the story in the bible, readiness to give to others, loving one another, being compassionate and readiness to forgive.Crossing boundaries of relationships centered around God's truth endangers our success and how well we can thrive. Honesty and truthfulness about what happens in our relationships is a good provision of our boundaries. There are certain law that govern the boundary issues as seen in marriages. Sowing and reaping This should be interpreted to mean t hat our actions have consequences or repercussions. When we do positive things about us, we tend to draw people closer to us and as a result they do become more loving and accommodating to us.They feel more attached to us and more than willing to be with us and stay attached to us. We always send them to a state of wanting to be with us at the same time being more positive to us. The moment we become irresponsible and unloving, people tend to keep distance from us. They run away from us and feel like not wanting to be associated with us. We are left alone and the consequences are feeling lonely and withdrawn. This teaches us to be responsible knowing that if we messed around with other peoples emotions they in turn end up leaving us alone and keeping us in a state of wanting to be close again.The law of responsibility This means that the spouses refuses to rescue their partners from mistakes and foibles committed by them. This is the sinful behavior of being immature. The couples ha ve the responsibility of setting limits to the level that their spouses are held up in the unbecoming behavior. This is a clear state of the mind being exercised by the partners tending to build up maturity in their spouses. When such a state of the mind is created, then the entire consequence is having a mature society as a whole. The law of powerThis law comes out to be a unique one. It does so in the sense that it does empower the couples with the ability to change their marriages. One has the capacity to get out whatsoever he or she wants from the marriage and not acting as a result of pressure from other sources. As a result, the act of saying that we let nature take its course is done away with. When we let nature take its course we end up in a situation that does not allow us to set our own targets. Setting targets is the first thing that any human being can think of and be able to achieve.It encourages us to work hard and be alert in all situations. A human being who doesn't work with any target ends up being distorted and the final resettling becomes a thing of the past. It is only when you and your mate understand and go to the extend of respecting each others needs that you can selflessly give to one another. The creating of boundaries in marriages gives you the right tools you actually deserve to come out to the right decision. Boundary issues appear to be dominant in many places. It does not only apply to human setting but has been noted even in national parks.Boundary management has become a major concern issue even in these places. Boundary making traces its origin straight from the animal kingdom. From time immemorial, animals have been known from time immemorial to lay boundaries within themselves. The king of the jungle was the lion and the cascading system was used to place animals in different places in the jungle. This led to the assignment of tasks based on boundaries. Man has had to derive his present governance system on the very basis that the animal kingdom operated. Just like the animals defined their boundaries so has man become of late.This has been seen to range from individual relationships to group relations and even stretches to the international level. Long before the introduction of the state governance system, we used to have traditionally instituted societies that lived and respected the presence and sovereignty of other neighboring states. Failure to do do this would lead to endless wars among the competing societies something that led to restoration of peace in the society. It is clear that boundary issues cut across all spheres of our living and we tend to have them in our day to day living.These are issues that affect our living and we cannot be able to have a peaceful society without boundary issues coming into play. As a matter of fact, we do understand that human coexistence is based on the fact that one has to respect the sovereignty of the other. Be it at individual or collective responsibili ty level, the secret behind colleagues having some mutual understanding is recognition of the rights and freedoms of the other members of the society. If human beings lived by this, the society remains to be a peaceful one.As clearly seen in this paper, if one has to maintain his dignity, define the level to which you do relate with others and keep a clear distinction between your work and the social life. When a clear cut distinction has been put between the two cases, then the society understands the need for boundaries and as a result, we are able to have a peaceful society. Word count 3482 References â€Å"Boundary Issues†: Using Boundary Intelligence ti Get The Intimacy You Want and The Independence You Need In Life, Love and Work. † by Jane Adams (Wiley, October, 2005)Ludwig Edelstein. The Hippocratic Oath: Text, Translation and Interpretation. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1943. Federation Of State Medical Boards of The US,Inc. , Ad Hoc Committee On Physician Im pairment. Report on Sexual Boundary Issues, April, 1996. Irons, RR. Schneider JP. Addictive Sexual Disorders in Principles and Practices of Addictions In Psychiatry, Miller. NS ed. , pp. 441-457, 19997. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Opinion On Ethics:Sexual Misconduct In The Physician Patient Relationship, Document Number. 1